Anton Mitsev - internet programmer and site developer

Welcome to my new old site!

Hi friends, hi enemies. At last, I managed to (re)surrect this site. Undoubtedly it is one of the recorders of the "Under construction" - almost 4 years. But the lovely things happen slow and if they do not happen ... so they do not have to exist.

This site finally started to happen. For a long time I did not know what to put in it but now I have decided - I will share my experience with you. And as far today's regular people spend most of their time working, I will start sharing my profession experience. I hope that during our knowledge, I will be able to share some other sides of my person.

And now... The first thing I managed to create before the freezing of my water system is the new Web-Tech blog. It is a place where I will share my experience in this profession and especially, so called, tips & tricks. The first part of writings is called "Web site for an hour (or "An internet page for €30")" and you can find it there ^^^ ;) (coming soon in English)

Have a nice reading!

Your and of the whole humanity

Latest news with myself RSS tonymitsev

28.12.2022, Happy Christmas!

Through the Christmas days I have decided to update my site a little bit. Let us see if it will be alive again 😀

08.12.2016, My very first book will be written soon!

Today I have stared a dream of mine who have grown a whole year. At last I have beaten the fear to create a fund raising campaign for releasing the book which I think on recently - Web Site Building for non-professionals...

24.08.2014, Our first online shop

Today our first online shop came to this world. Purple elephant is a result fromk the work of my wife Yana and our framework, whcich is becomming better and better.

10.11.2013, The Golh has new proud owner

This week I was surprised by two bids for the Golf by two lowers of the holly model. The one of them managed to win it and now our car is happy with its new young owner. I wish them both nice living and lots og nice moments together.

05.07.2013, Garden of life and its web site

My wife rises her speed. She and her friends opened an unparalleled centre - Garden of life! More...

All news...

I do not make web sites for a long time but some stayed across the years...  

But there is still some new stuff...